Uniting Through Storytelling

Aspen Institute New Video Series: The Politics of Vulnerability.

Published on
July 16, 2024

Recently, the Aspen Institute and DDC collaborated on a video series that aims to foster understanding and dialogue during the most fractured, contentious American political season in recent memory.

Based on legal scholar and religious freedom advocate Asma Uddin’s book “The Politics of Vulnerability,” the series identifies the root causes of prevalent ideological differences in our political and religious landscape today, and guides viewers on how to build trust and avoid pitfalls that demonize perceived opponents, particularly vulnerable minorities.

In her book, as well as the video series, Asma explores the intricate dynamics between Christian and Muslim communities in America. She delves into the fears and anxieties that drive otherwise good people to support measures that limit the rights of others, and in particular contribute to anti-Muslim bias. Asma’s approach humanizes what is often presented in media as an irreconcilable relationship, offering a path forward by addressing the underlying drivers of division.

Among the valuable themes of religious freedom and pluralism, the series examines the complex interplay between group loyalty and identity, how Muslims have become political proxies in America’s partisan battles, the differences between evangelicals and Christian nationalists, and the rise of conservative populism among white evangelicals. In the end, the series is a step-by-step guide that offers tangible strategies for reducing hostility through mutual affirmation and productive dialogue.

In addition to working closely with Asma on the script and production myself, the series features beautifully shot cinematography by our frequent collaborator Damel Dieng, and contributions by DDC editor Toky Randriamahazosoa and graphic design by our animator Sebastian Correal.

Our collaboration with the Aspen Institute is part of how our team seeks to use our production and storytelling skills to contribute to the larger public discourse at this critical moment in the United States. For those looking to engage deeply with today’s cultural and political challenges, this series offers a valuable and inspiring educational tool.

Watch the full video series here.

We look forward to working with you on our next impactful series!

Uniting Through Storytelling

Aspen Institute New Video Series: The Politics of Vulnerability.

Written on
August 5, 2024

Recently, the Aspen Institute and DDC collaborated on a video series that aims to foster understanding and dialogue during the most fractured, contentious American political season in recent memory.

Based on legal scholar and religious freedom advocate Asma Uddin’s book “The Politics of Vulnerability,” the series identifies the root causes of prevalent ideological differences in our political and religious landscape today, and guides viewers on how to build trust and avoid pitfalls that demonize perceived opponents, particularly vulnerable minorities.

In her book, as well as the video series, Asma explores the intricate dynamics between Christian and Muslim communities in America. She delves into the fears and anxieties that drive otherwise good people to support measures that limit the rights of others, and in particular contribute to anti-Muslim bias. Asma’s approach humanizes what is often presented in media as an irreconcilable relationship, offering a path forward by addressing the underlying drivers of division.

Among the valuable themes of religious freedom and pluralism, the series examines the complex interplay between group loyalty and identity, how Muslims have become political proxies in America’s partisan battles, the differences between evangelicals and Christian nationalists, and the rise of conservative populism among white evangelicals. In the end, the series is a step-by-step guide that offers tangible strategies for reducing hostility through mutual affirmation and productive dialogue.

In addition to working closely with Asma on the script and production myself, the series features beautifully shot cinematography by our frequent collaborator Damel Dieng, and contributions by DDC editor Toky Randriamahazosoa and graphic design by our animator Sebastian Correal.

Our collaboration with the Aspen Institute is part of how our team seeks to use our production and storytelling skills to contribute to the larger public discourse at this critical moment in the United States. For those looking to engage deeply with today’s cultural and political challenges, this series offers a valuable and inspiring educational tool.

Watch the full video series here.

We look forward to working with you on our next impactful series!

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Uniting Through Storytelling

Aspen Institute New Video Series: The Politics of Vulnerability.

Written on
August 5, 2024

Recently, the Aspen Institute and DDC collaborated on a video series that aims to foster understanding and dialogue during the most fractured, contentious American political season in recent memory.

Based on legal scholar and religious freedom advocate Asma Uddin’s book “The Politics of Vulnerability,” the series identifies the root causes of prevalent ideological differences in our political and religious landscape today, and guides viewers on how to build trust and avoid pitfalls that demonize perceived opponents, particularly vulnerable minorities.

In her book, as well as the video series, Asma explores the intricate dynamics between Christian and Muslim communities in America. She delves into the fears and anxieties that drive otherwise good people to support measures that limit the rights of others, and in particular contribute to anti-Muslim bias. Asma’s approach humanizes what is often presented in media as an irreconcilable relationship, offering a path forward by addressing the underlying drivers of division.

Among the valuable themes of religious freedom and pluralism, the series examines the complex interplay between group loyalty and identity, how Muslims have become political proxies in America’s partisan battles, the differences between evangelicals and Christian nationalists, and the rise of conservative populism among white evangelicals. In the end, the series is a step-by-step guide that offers tangible strategies for reducing hostility through mutual affirmation and productive dialogue.

In addition to working closely with Asma on the script and production myself, the series features beautifully shot cinematography by our frequent collaborator Damel Dieng, and contributions by DDC editor Toky Randriamahazosoa and graphic design by our animator Sebastian Correal.

Our collaboration with the Aspen Institute is part of how our team seeks to use our production and storytelling skills to contribute to the larger public discourse at this critical moment in the United States. For those looking to engage deeply with today’s cultural and political challenges, this series offers a valuable and inspiring educational tool.

Watch the full video series here.

We look forward to working with you on our next impactful series!

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Uniting Through Storytelling

Aspen Institute New Video Series: The Politics of Vulnerability.

Written on
August 5, 2024

Recently, the Aspen Institute and DDC collaborated on a video series that aims to foster understanding and dialogue during the most fractured, contentious American political season in recent memory.

Based on legal scholar and religious freedom advocate Asma Uddin’s book “The Politics of Vulnerability,” the series identifies the root causes of prevalent ideological differences in our political and religious landscape today, and guides viewers on how to build trust and avoid pitfalls that demonize perceived opponents, particularly vulnerable minorities.

In her book, as well as the video series, Asma explores the intricate dynamics between Christian and Muslim communities in America. She delves into the fears and anxieties that drive otherwise good people to support measures that limit the rights of others, and in particular contribute to anti-Muslim bias. Asma’s approach humanizes what is often presented in media as an irreconcilable relationship, offering a path forward by addressing the underlying drivers of division.

Among the valuable themes of religious freedom and pluralism, the series examines the complex interplay between group loyalty and identity, how Muslims have become political proxies in America’s partisan battles, the differences between evangelicals and Christian nationalists, and the rise of conservative populism among white evangelicals. In the end, the series is a step-by-step guide that offers tangible strategies for reducing hostility through mutual affirmation and productive dialogue.

In addition to working closely with Asma on the script and production myself, the series features beautifully shot cinematography by our frequent collaborator Damel Dieng, and contributions by DDC editor Toky Randriamahazosoa and graphic design by our animator Sebastian Correal.

Our collaboration with the Aspen Institute is part of how our team seeks to use our production and storytelling skills to contribute to the larger public discourse at this critical moment in the United States. For those looking to engage deeply with today’s cultural and political challenges, this series offers a valuable and inspiring educational tool.

Watch the full video series here.

We look forward to working with you on our next impactful series!

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Uniting Through Storytelling

Aspen Institute New Video Series: The Politics of Vulnerability.

Written on
August 5, 2024

Recently, the Aspen Institute and DDC collaborated on a video series that aims to foster understanding and dialogue during the most fractured, contentious American political season in recent memory.

Based on legal scholar and religious freedom advocate Asma Uddin’s book “The Politics of Vulnerability,” the series identifies the root causes of prevalent ideological differences in our political and religious landscape today, and guides viewers on how to build trust and avoid pitfalls that demonize perceived opponents, particularly vulnerable minorities.

In her book, as well as the video series, Asma explores the intricate dynamics between Christian and Muslim communities in America. She delves into the fears and anxieties that drive otherwise good people to support measures that limit the rights of others, and in particular contribute to anti-Muslim bias. Asma’s approach humanizes what is often presented in media as an irreconcilable relationship, offering a path forward by addressing the underlying drivers of division.

Among the valuable themes of religious freedom and pluralism, the series examines the complex interplay between group loyalty and identity, how Muslims have become political proxies in America’s partisan battles, the differences between evangelicals and Christian nationalists, and the rise of conservative populism among white evangelicals. In the end, the series is a step-by-step guide that offers tangible strategies for reducing hostility through mutual affirmation and productive dialogue.

In addition to working closely with Asma on the script and production myself, the series features beautifully shot cinematography by our frequent collaborator Damel Dieng, and contributions by DDC editor Toky Randriamahazosoa and graphic design by our animator Sebastian Correal.

Our collaboration with the Aspen Institute is part of how our team seeks to use our production and storytelling skills to contribute to the larger public discourse at this critical moment in the United States. For those looking to engage deeply with today’s cultural and political challenges, this series offers a valuable and inspiring educational tool.

Watch the full video series here.

We look forward to working with you on our next impactful series!

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